The Purification and Presentation 2025

She felt cursed by God. Her husband loved her. But in her body, and in her soul, she felt cursed. Echoing in her heart were the ancient words spoken to our first mother: “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children.”

The pain applies to the birth, to be sure. But there is sorrow here, too – sorrow in conceiving a child, or rather, the difficulty thereof. The woman in today’s Old Testament reading spends years in the sorrow of barrenness.

Why does this happen, these trials of infertility, secondary infertility, and miscarriage? …

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Psalms of Lament: Psalm 90

The “celebrations of life” people hold now pretend that what has happened isn’t real. The funeral homes with flowers everywhere—flowers that themselves will be dead in mere days—cover with their sickening sweetness the stench of death in a corpse we’ve filled with formaldehyde to pretend none of this is really happening….

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Psalms of Lament: Psalm 77

Throughout the Scriptures we see the righteous suffering. St. Paul had his thorn in the flesh, an angel of Satan to harass him. Job experienced the death of his children, the scorn of his wife, the rebuke of his friends, and the wasting away of his flesh. His days were spent on the dunghill, and his nights filled with bitter weeping. Abraham and Sarah spent years in barren sorrow. Isaac and Rebekah grieved over their wayward children. Jesus said that His followers should expect tribulation in this world. And St. Paul told Timothy that everyone who desires to live godly will suffer persecution….

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Psalms of Lament: Psalm 74

The first Psalm of Lament we looked at, Psalm 6, came from fear of God’s permanent rejection after the psalmist had sinned grievously. Then last week’s Psalm was a national lament after a military defeat. Despite their fidelity to YHWH, He had still allowed them to suffer a great loss.

Tonight’s Psalm of Lament is of a still different type: it is a lament after the destruction of the Temple….

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Psalms of Lament: Psalm 44 (Lent 2024)

A strange piety the Psalms give us, because they invite us to complain to God, even to accuse God. He is not acting in the way we expected. And the only hope, the only reliable thing, is to return to the foundational character of God, expressed in the final line of the Psalm: “Redeem us for the sake of your steadfast love.”

The people of God don’t expect God to act because of something they are offering Him; in fact, they don’t even try. There is no bargaining.

And they don’t expect Him to act because of their accusations of His not being fair, as though He could be shamed into acting.

They simply appeal to God to be who He is….

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